Alkalmazási példa Weber automatikus csavarozó rendszerekben

Automatic screwdriver system Automatikus csavarozórendszer Triflex® TRC.70.110.0 sorozatú lánccal.

triflex® TRC.70.110.0 lánc szálerősítésű rudakkal és univerzális szerelőkészlettel; Megrendelő: Weber automatic screwdriver systems

Plants for, among others, the automotive industry, flow drilling (extremely high speed), threading (low speed) and tightening screws (with extremely low speed and torque control) in one work step. Flow drilling, threading and tightening of screws can all be achieved in one work step with Weber automatic screwdriver systems. The triflex® TRC chain is filled with electrical cables and a supply hose through which the screws are guided in the direction of the screwdriver unit at the robot's head. A faultless supply of screws is guaranteed by the bend protection of the triflex® R system.

Video demo of a robotic application:

Further interesting applications from extremely diverse areas can be found here.