
Rod end with female thread, KBRI / KBLI igubal®, spherical ball iglidur® W300, inch

KBLI-03 product image
KBLI-03 product image
KBLI-03 technical drawing
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KBLI-03 product image
KBLI-03 product image
KBLI-03 technical drawing
  • Spherical ball material: iglidur® W300
  • Thread direction: right hand / left-hand
  • Housing material: igumid G
  • Dimensional series K according to DIN ISO 12240
  • Maintenance-free dry operation
  • High rigidity
  • Very high durability in varying loads
  • Compensation of misalignment errors
  • Compensation of edge loads
  • Resistant to dirt, dust and lint
  • Resistant to corrosion and chemicals
  • High vibration-dampening
  • Suitable for rotating, oscillating and linear movements
  • Very lightweight

Item no.


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Illy Dániel
Illy Dániel

igus-icon-phone+36 70 635 1862

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